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Rhinophyma is a skin condition that affects the skin on the nose, causing a thickening and reddening that can create functional and form issues. The condition is not overly common but can be similar and related to acne rosacea. Rhinophyma can disfigure the shape of the nose, especially the tip and base, making it appear red and bulbous in appearance.

Treating rhinophyma can help reduce the thickness of the skin and reshape the tip and base of the nose. Each case is carefully examined by Dr. Demianczuk to determine the best options in treatment.

Rhinophyma Surgeon in Vancouver

The Surgical Experience

Rhinophyma surgery is performed under general anesthesia in an accredited surgical facility and typically takes around 1 hour to complete. It is considered an outpatient procedure. During the surgery, Dr. Demianczuk will sculpt and reshape the nose, removing any excessive tissue.  After surgery, patients will need to wear a dressing on the nose, and will experience minor bleeding from the nose, and bruising and swelling around the nose and eyes. A topical antibiotic ointment will be applied twice daily to the nose until healed. This may take 7-14 days. It can take up to a full year for the nose to gain its final contour and softness. Despite recontouring of the nose, recurrence of rhinophyma can occur, although this often takes several years, if it does occur. Concurrent medical management under the care of our Dermatologist is recommended to optimize the outcome.

Rhinophyma Symptoms include:

  • Redness or flushing on the nose
  • Enlarged pores and excessive oil glands
  • Gradual increase in the size of the tip/base of the nose
  • A bulbous appearance to the nose
  • Thickened skin that can appear waxy or rough

Before & After


Rhinophyma is a tailored surgery, thus the cost will vary depending on the aesthetic goals of the patient. On average, patients can expect to pay between $5900-$6900.

Frequently Asked Questions

Is this linked to rosacea?

Rosacea is a common skin condition that can result in reddish skin, bumps, thicker skin and visible blood vessels, usually on the face. Rhinophyma is linked to rosacea, affecting the skin on the nose.

What causes rhinophyma?

The cause of rosacea and rhinophyma are unknown. The condition is more common in male patients, especially those above the age of fifty. Anyone can experience these skin conditions, but it is more prevalent in those with fair or light-colored skin.

What are the common signs and symptoms of rosacea:

The common signs and symptoms of rosacea include: Blushing or flushing of the skin Red bumps and pimples on the skin Small blood vessels appearing on the cheeks and face Irritated, dry or bloodshot eyes Burning, itching or stinging on the face Dry, ruddy complexion Swelling on the face or raised red patches

Schedule your consultation

To find out how Rhinophyma procedure can help you meet your goals, contact Dr. Demianczuk.

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“I’ve seen him for 2 different surgeries and he is BY far the best and doctor ever. I highly recommend him to anyone looking for best results and his honesty is like no other. I could go on and on about My past experiences with others but I’ll keep it short. If you want good results and a great doctor see Dr D”

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