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Male Breast Reduction / Gynecomastia

Leading Plastic Surgeon in Vancouver, BC

Male Breast Reduction / Gynecomastia Surgeon in Vancouver

Men who have excess breast tissue on their chest may benefit from male breast reduction surgery.  Many men will develop excess tissue in their chest area during adolescence, while some can have a hormonal imbalance. Medications that contain estrogen or use of steroids may lead to this condition.

The Surgical Experience

Gynecomastia surgery is performed through a combination of special liposuction technique and excision. A small incision is made around the areola (intra-areolar). This incision is typically 1.5 cm in length, and is not readily visible once healed. This incision allows access for lipousction, and for removal of excess fat and breast tissue. In severe gynecomastia cases, following resection of excessive breast tissue, tightening of loose skin may be necessary. All male breast reduction procedures are performed under general anesthesia as an outpatient procedure at an accredited surgical facility. The surgery typically lasts 2 hours. Following surgery, there will be some swelling and a compression garment will be worn for 4 weeks. Most patients are able to resume normal work schedules within 5-7 days and incorporate exercise within 4 weeks. In most cases, scarring is inconspicuous.


The cost of gynecomastia surgery varies based on the extent of the surgery. The cost runs from $9,000 to $11,000.

Frequently Asked Questions

Will liposuction be needed?

In most cases, yes. The fat that collects in excess will need to be removed using liposuction. Frequently, liposuction will be combined with direct excision to remove residual firm breast tissue to create the ideal result. These methods can be discussed during your consultation.

Will the scar be easily visible at the beach or pool?

Incisions for this surgery are well concealed. They are usually placed around or near the areola and are typically small enough that scarring is minimized. Over time, the incision lines will fade and become minimally noticeable for most men.

Schedule your consultation

To find out how gynecomastia procedure can help you meet your goals, contact Dr. Demianczuk of Pacific Plastic Surgery.

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“Had full tummy tuck, lipo and muscle repair, Dr Demianczuk did an excellent job! Highly recommend anyone looking for a surgeon who knows what he’s doing. Life changing surgery, thank you!”

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